The Salginatobel bridge is completed at the beginning of August 1930 and awaits the lowering of the scaffolding and the subsequent load test. (Photo D. Mischol/Archive A. Kessler)

Technical Fact Sheet

Construction: Three-hinged arch, developed

as a hollow box girder

Construction material: Reinforced concrete
Total length: 132.30 m
Roadway width: 3.50 m
Road gradient: 3 % or 3.97 m
Span of the arch: 90.04 m
Arch rise: 12.99 m
Dimensions of the arch slab: At the support hinges: 0.40 x 6.00 m

At the crown: 0.20 x 3.80

Load-bearing capacity: 8 t or 350 kg/m²
Height above water: 90 m
Project: Ingenieurbureau Maillart, Genf
Execution: Florian Prader & Cie., Zurich/Chur
Scaffolding: Gerüstbauunternehmung Richard Coray, Trin
Construction time: 1929/30
Total cost: CHF 180’000.-